Why Media Literacy matters in your PLN

Why Media Literacy matters in your PLN

1. What is media literacy?

According to Julie, media literacy refers to the ability of resourcing and producing information on media platforms. Julie confirms the saying of “media fluency” because it contains the key aspects of media literacy: understanding and producing information. People with media literacy, at first, can recognize the important role of media in today’s society. Besides, they are able to search for effective information and apply the useful resources for learning. At last, they are supposed to be equipped with certain media skills, creating various message forms, such as audio, video or websites).

2. Why is it important?

Currently, media literacy is a useful skill both for our personal and professional development. As Jesse mentioned in the video, media platforms actually allow us to grow ourselves and connect with others. Julie described her own experience of interacting with other staff on Twitter and how that benefits her. Personally, such interaction presents different perspectives, helping one to be more objective and rational. Besides, such media communication can provide mental relief and boost morale because it’s easy to find other people who can relate to you. Professionally, the process of connection enables people to learn from each other, to access to all kinds of useful materials, promoting working efficiency and creating more career opportunities.

3. Why is it dismissed?

According to Julie, media literacy is dismissed for two aspects, one is that people aren’t familiar with the concept, and the other is that people focus mostly on its potential risks. Julie joked that she would rather change the name of media literary to make it more accessible because people fail to link the concept with their daily experience, recognizing the importance of it. Julie also explained her drive to popularize media literacy—-people’s fear. Nowadays parents are concerned about social media’s negative effect on their children, overlooking the benefits of media literacy. Social media is possible to mislead children with unverified information. However, it also serves as an opportunity to broaden one’s horizon and connect with others.

4. Why should you aim for varied views but factual consensus in your PLN?

To start with, it’s important to seek varied views because it helps us become well-rounded rather than single-minded, as Julie says. Our media activities aim at different needs whether of emotional or intellectual. When one’s online presence is for emotional satisfaction, he/she is actually looking for information to confirm himself/herself, which reflects his/her own values and beliefs. As a result, one is indulged in an echo chamber that prevents one from understanding different perspectives and developing objective opinions.

However, once we open up to the varied views, another problem pops up: how to verify different information. One thing we should bear in mind is that there is false news online and part of them is targeted to mislead and manipulate us. Julie revealed the reason behind fake news, that is, journalism is actually a business which favorably presents what we want instead of what we need. Thus, factual consensus is significant because it sets a principle of our media presence. Varied views are useful and helpful on condition that they are facts.


Miller J (2020). EDCI 338 A01 – Smith, Julie. YouTube. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_T9RghwJlI&feature=youtu.be

Trilling, B & Fadel, C (2009). 21st Century Skills: Learning for Life in Our Times. Retrieved from: https://learning-oreilly-com.ezproxy.library.uvic.ca/library/view/21st-century-skills/9780470475386/fade_9780470475386_oeb_c04_r1.html

1 Comment

  1. mikaylaolesen

    Hi Xizhang,
    I think your post was very clear and had a lot of great information. I liked the point you made in the section “why is media literacy dismissed” about how parents are concerned about the impact of social media. I think this is a topic that has created a lot of discussion among how to make social media a safe place for young children who may not fully understand the consequences that can come from social media. Thus, it thinks its important to teach media literacy to children at a young age so they are able to practice safe social media use and benefit from the opportunities that it is offering our generation.

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